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Member Benefits

Exclusive benefits from the Paso Robles Wine Country.

Large Variety

Never the same bottle (unless you want more!)

10% of all Wine Wrangler Tours

Any time in the first year of membership!

15% discount

15% discount on case re-orders

20% of all Wine Wrangler Tours

After one year of continuous membership

Wine Buying Service

Available on any Paso Robles Wines

Hand Selected

Our wines are all hand-selected from over 200+ wineries

Red Only or Mixed

Choose between a red only shipment or mixed (red & white)

Discounts on Wine Re-orders and Special Tours

Exclusively through the Wine Wrangler (Paso Robles' # 1 Wine Tour)

100% Guaranteed

All wines are 100% guaranteed to arrive in excellent condition

We are not accepting new members at this time

Apply to become a member and receive your very own collection of premium wines from Paso Robles Wine Country.

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